Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Dark Angel Terminators Painting Project

Just some pictures of some Dark Angels Terminators I have painted from the Dark Vengeance box set.

Hope you enjoyed.

Battle Review of Fluffy Wolves


Well this site is called this for a reason. I played my fluffy wolves which I listed a couple of posts ago against a friend of mine, Dave's army. He was playing marines, I will link you to his site here so you can find his stuff and what army he plays with in more detail.

Well we just played a straight kill point game and it was fun! To get to the point I lost the game and not through anything that I did not play correctly. But when Canis is getting a full six wounds on Dave's Warlord and I don't take any wounds off him, I die a little bit inside, lol. But that is the nature of the dice.

However I still believe the army is useful. By the end of the game I was eating though his troops but I was winning combats which then left me in the open for him to fire at me again. Meaning I was loosing models left right and centre while I was trying to push for the next assault.

So I lost the roll off and Dave went second, so I set up in the middle hoping I would be able to strike quickly wherever he set up. So two packs of Thunderwolves were down with a fenrisian pack bubble wrapping both squads. Dave set up on my left hand side right on his board edge.

So turn 1 I wanted to drop two pods. I decided to drop one behind his Vindicator to neutralise that threat and my other pod with my rune priest in at one end of his gun line so I can Jaws the line and hopefully take out a unit. I ran my wolves forward to his terminators and bikes as they were my biggest close combat threat. I took out the Vindicator fortunately and my Jaws took one bike off the table. My wolves ran and failed there charge on his squats.
Dave's turn one was to shoot everything he had at me. I saved quite well only lost about half of the Vindicator squad but I lost all of my Rune Priest squad.

Turn 2 I could only bring one drop pod down as I failed my reserve roll. I brought the other down in the middle of his gun line to try and take out his cannons which where threatening my thunderwolves. That attack failed miserably and as per for me my melta guns refused to hit a barn door. My wolves ran up and the fenrisian charged some veterans while one pack of Thunderwolves with Canis charged his terminators.

So from there onwards it was a case of hitting back and forth. My drop pods came drip feeding him kill points and I could not charge with the grey hunters before they were dead. This hugely hindered my army. My wolves at the Terminators and bikes and we both lost our warlords. Eventually though because I had drip fed all of my troops I had nothing left on the board as my wolves ate stuff but then got shot off the board.

Things I maybe should have one differently. Perhaps not of brought the rune priest down for the gun line and instead two full drop pods on one flank rather than spreading them out. The wolves did well and was very happy with them. The fenrisian wolves did a keep job of bubble wrapping and keep the Thunderwolves safe until charge. My main lesson from this is always  drop my pods together I think.

Cheers for reading and apologies for probably rambling.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Tau Riptide

Fluffy Space Wolf 1850 List

So i am playing 40k again rather than Malifaux, MTG or X-Wing and I am playing around with some fluffy lists. I am doing more fluffy lists as I find I am very disheartened with how the game (mostly tournaments) is very pay to win. But that is a whole different issue which deserves a whole post to its self.

So as I am playing fluffy we need a character. I managed to pick up Canis Wolfborn up very cheap so that took we to a very Thunderwolf place by amassing lots of Thunderwolves and Fenrisian wolves. However to keep the army viable I have mixed in some drop pods. So I will literally be bringing the fight to the opponent by racing across the board and dropping in there face. I will let you know how the army plays but for now here is my list.


Canis Wolfborn     185

Rune Priest in Power Armour      100
with Jaws of the World Wolf
and Living Lightning

Fast Attack

x5 Thunderwolf Cavalry      340
x2 Storm Shield
x1 Thunder Hammer

x5 Thunderwolf Cavalry      335
 x2 Storm Shield
 x1 Power Fist


x15 Fenrisian Wolf Pack      128
x14 Wolves
x1 Cyberwolf

x10 Grey Hunter Pack       200
x2 Meltagun
x1 Drop Pod

x10 Grey Hunter Pack       200
x2 Meltagun
x1 Drop Pod

x10 Grey Hunter Pack       200
x2 Meltagun
x1 Drop Pod

x7 Grey Hunters
x1 Plasma Gun
x1 Drop Pod

Total Points 1848

Well let me know what you think and I will update you on how it performs.

Play well