Friday, 4 July 2014

Wolf Den

Greeting's fellow hobbyists

This post is just going to be another general hobby update with lots of pics and the many projects I am working on. Firstly though I will just mention that I recently attended Wartorn with my local club.

This is a great event which is basically a charity helping out Help For Hero's. It runs over two days and is a collection of military displays, many different gaming system displays and lots of lovely vendors. I was there helping to demonstrate Warhammer 40k, Malifaux and X-Wing. Just to say a big thank you to the organisers and my fellow demonstrators for a great weekend!

Now I get a lot of stick for not posting enough on my blog so I thought in this blog I would try and explain why! You see I am really rubbish at taking a model, starting it and then finishing it 100 percent. I like to chop and change, moving about from model to model, game system to game system which means I very rarely get anything I consider to be 100 percent finished. Which then in turn means I feel it is not ready to post about. Hence the reason why a lot of my posts are works in progress! ;)

But without further a do, here are some pics of most of my projects on the go!

 One broken Titan which needs repairing after falling apart after Wartorn!

 From left to right: Some terrain (Wild West Exodus) that i bought for my Malifaux games. Also my unfinished other Titan which needs painting!

This is another new gaming system, Bolt Action, which I got at Wartorn. I am building them up at the moment and they seem to be taking forever. I will follow up with these in another post when I am further on with them!

More Warhammer 30k ready and waiting to be built!

A Dreadball squad that I got way back in February and is still waiting to be painted!

Warhammer 40k terrain that I have acquired for another project that I am not going to reveal yet!!!!
This is my new static grass applicator built for me by my friend Gill. They are in my opinion the best thing to apply grass to your models! If you click the picture above it will transport you to his Facebook page.

My Infinity crew awaiting painting!

Just pics of stuff around my gaming den!

And finally lots of other boxes of stuff on the never ending list of to do!!

Well that's me bared my gaming soul. Why not get back to me with pics of your hobbying areas? But thank you for reading and I will see you soon.

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