Thursday, 27 March 2014

WIP March 2014

So I thought I would show you some work in progress pics as I am working on some big projects that are going to take some time. As always I really appreciate any comments anybody would like to make.

So first set of pics is of my brand new Titan. Some of you regulars might remember that I scratch built a Warhound Titan from plasticard. However this one is the real deal and oh my god how awesome is this model. These are just the legs, weapon arms and cockpit so far. Also on this model is my first use of weathering pigments.

The next set of pics is the figure head of my next army. From the earlier teaser post you may have noticed I bought something from Forgeworld. His name is Calas Typhon and he is the first Captain of the Death Guard for Warhammer 30k. So I am purchasing a brand new, all Forgeworld, Death Guard army. So far I have Calas but more are definitely coming. So far I am building up the white colour for his army but he is a great looking model which also comes set in a kind of diorama scene which will be fun to paint.

So I hope you enjoyed this insight into what is on my table right now!

Friday, 14 March 2014

York Garrison Summer Soltice

Hello everyone,

Well this is a blatent promotion of my local clubs annual tournament. We run it over two days for Warhammer 40k. There will be be five games played at 1850 points. The price for the tickets is £35 but we are running an early bird speacial until the end of April where the ticket price will be £30.

Hit the banner at the top to go to the sales page. I will be playing so here is your oppertunity to come whopp my ass. Hope to see you all there.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Yorkshire Open Tournament 2014

So I recently qualified for the Yorkshire Open and will be off to the Semi Finals in April. However I thought I would share the list that I qualified with. It was a fun tournament that was somewhere near Leeds (can not for the life of me remember where, Peter drove, lol). So 1500 points and here's the list.


Rune Priest in Power Armour
Bolt Pistol
Jaws of the World Wolf
Living Lightning                                                                      100

Rune Priest in Power Armour
Jaws of the World Wolf
Murderous Hurricane                                                              140

Fast Attack

x4 Thunderwolf Cavalry
Thunder Hammer
Storm Shield                                                                            260

x4 Thunderwolf Cavalry
Power Fist
Storm Shield                                                                            255


x10 Grey Hunters
Melta Gun
Melta Gun
Wolf Standard
Drop Pod                                                                                  200

x10 Grey Hunters
Melta Gun
Melta Gun
Wolf Standard
Drop Pod                                                                                  200

 x10 Grey Hunters
Melta Gun
Melta Gun
Wolf Standard
Drop Pod                                                                                  200

x7 Grey Hunters
Plasma Gun
Drop Pod                                                                                  145

And that was it. One Rune priest went into a drop pod and the other with a pack of thunder wolves. It works very nicely by sniping certain units with jaws, dropping melta guns round the big things and taking things out before I assault to mop things up.

Its an all out army that has to be played balls to the wall so you can get maximum efficiency. Some armies it just wont cope with but for a middle table army it works just fine and, more importantly I think, is fun to play with.

Give it ago and let me know what you think.